Dear Mr./ Mrs./ Ms.
Tamu Undangan
You are cordially invited to our wedding.
The Wedding of
Feri & Sisca
We invited you to celebrate our wedding
The Beloved
Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.
Feri & Sisca
The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage.
Walian Satu, Kec. Tomohon Selatan., Kota Tomohon
Jl. Kakeongan, Matani Satu, Kec. Tomohon Tengah, Kota Tomohon
Give your prayers & best wishes
to the bride and groom
It is an honor and pleasure for us,
if you can attend and give us your blessing.
Hope to see you soon, Stay safe and healthy!
Wedding Gift
Your prayers & blessings at our wedding is enough as a gift, but if you want to give more, we are happy to receive it and it will complement our happiness even more
Thank You
Feri & Sisca
The Big Family of Our Wedding Couple.
CONTACT PERSON 0895416167155
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